Councillor for Dublin South East Inner City



Cllr. Claire Byrne


Making Dublin a City for Living

I am asking for your No.1 vote in the upcoming local elections on 7th June. 

As a local Councillor for the last ten years, I understand the wide range of issues that are important to the people of the South East Inner City. I have spent the last decade workign hard trying to make Dublin a city for living, with a strong focus on:

  • Real climate action

  • Quality public realm

  • Decent walking and cycling

  • Afffordable housing

  • Green places

  • Creative works spaces

  • Cultural venues

  • A thriving nightlife

Voting No.1 for me will guarantee keeping an experienced, committed, female Green voice on Dublin City Council who will continue to deliver for the South East Inner City.

Thank you.

Cllr Claire Byrne

More about my role on Dublin City Council >


Why Claire?

  • 16 years in politics, including seven on Dublin City Council, giving me local and national experience which no other candidate can offer.

  • Environmental and sustainability specialist currently working with Minister Eamon Ryan

  • Dublin City resident with partner and 2 young sons - knows what local communities need

  • A strong voice for women’s health, care and equality - bring a female TD back to DBS

  • Another Green voice in Government can and will deliver the progressive policies that matter.


  • Implementing the new Climate Action Plan: Reach our climate goals, protect our rich natural heritage and biodiversity and improve our quality of life. 

  • Revolutionise our attitudes to waste. Prepare us for the imminent changes around single use plastics, deposit return schemes and the circular economy.

  • Make transport greener. Progress the modal shift required and promote the positives of active, public, and low carbon transport. 

  • Build back green. Rethink our city post Covid to become a place to spend time, to live in, and not just to visit - to rebuild a cleaner, greener, more family-friendly, inclusive, climate ready city.


  • Sustainable, affordable housing: Ensure that the new legislation for affordable and cost rental housing works to deliver the 900 social and affordable homes in Poolbeg West, while also seeking to build on other state owned sites in the area.

  • Protect renters. Legislate for indefinite duration and strengthen controls on rent increases to provide security of tenure for all stages of life.

  • Address homelessness. Work to end homelessness long term and focus on improving standards of and access to emergency housing in the short term.

  • A decent standard of living for all. Deliver large scale retrofit programmes for all homes, improving building standards, and establishing proper height and densities to create sustainable communities.


  • Support artists and audiences. Deliver on commitments to build creative workspaces and multipurpose venues, supporting the sector through the recovery and helping them play their part in the climate challenge. 

  • Revitalise our nightlife. Provide a Night Mayor for Dublin and progress the legislative changes that are required to recreate a vibrant, diverse, sustainable night-time economy.

  • Promote integration and equality. Support and celebrate the diverse communities we have across the constituency 


  • More women in politics. Bring a female TD in Government back to the constituency. We need women to represent women.

  • Drive change in gender equality, safety, and reproductive rights. I will campaign for recognising work in the home, breastfeeding, childcare, women’s physical and mental health.


A Strong Female Green Voice for Dublin Bay South

I campaign for green issues in the City of Dublin.
Let me know what issues are affecting you.

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The future
belongs to

all of us.

The Green Party stands for smart, long-term solutions to build a better life for everyone in Ireland. Real change only comes when we act together.